Yellow Slip - Legal Services


Regulations Governing EU Citizens in Cyprus and Their Family Members

Note: This text provides information for the citizens of other Member States of the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA), and also nationals of Switzerland, and their families. It contains the basic information on entry, temporary and permanent residency, legal arrangements that apply to all EU citizens and information about employment in Cyprus.

  • Your Rights:

    EU Citizens are free to enter, leave, travel and live in Cyprus and may also engage in any economic activity, either as paid employees or self employed persons, service providers or engage in any educational opportunity in Cyprus, under the same conditions as Cypriot citizens.

    If you are going to spend less than three months in Cyprus, you only need to have a valid passport or a valid identity card issued by your country and not expiring in less than six months, which shows your nationality. When you enter Cyprus from a formal and recognized airport or port you can go through passport control queues identified for EU Nationals.

    If you want to live in Cyprus for more than three months, then, within four months of the date you entered Cyprus you have the obligation by law to go personally to the Civil Registry and Migration Department (this service is for the time being, provided at the local Immigration Branch of the Police in all districts except Nicosia where a District Migration Office exists) and apply for the Registration Certificate for EU Nationals (or Yellow Slip). In order to obtain this Certificate one should submit the following:

    • A duly completed standard form (obtainable from Civil Registry & Migration Dept or from the local Immigration Branch of the Police) depending on the category of residence permit one is applying for (employed activity, self-employment etc.).
    • A Valid Passport or ID Card
    • 2 photos
    • A fee of €8.54

    Note: if you are applying for dependants, you must present certified true copies of marriage certificate, birth certificates of children etc.).

    The Certificate, or Yellow Slip is issued in a short period of time from the day of application.

    The application forms can also be downloaded from the website of the Ministry of Interior at or you may request for information at the tel. 00357 22804400 and at the electronic address

    You should know that the Registration Certificate is issued only if you have secured a paid job in Cyprus or you are self employed or you are a student or you have identified reasonable means for living in Cyprus without working. If by any chance you do not comply with the above then the Cyprus Authorities may refuse to issue the Certificate.

    It should be noted that a fine is imposed in the case of non-compliance (Law N7(I)/2007) and specifically a fine of €2.562,90 to any European national who works in the Republic without being registered.

    Note: a residence permit is not required to begin working in Cyprus - an EU national may begin work while the residency paperwork is still in process - however the employer and employee may be fined if application for the Registration Certificate is never made.

    Not working does not, in itself, prevent you from living in Cyprus. However, you have to identify that you have reasonable means of wealth allowing you to live in Cyprus without becoming a burden for the social and health system of the Country.

    If you are a student, in addition to the passport or identity documents and two passport-sized photographs, in order to obtain the Registration Certificate students are required to show:

    • of their enrolment in a university or college
    • proof of comprehensive health insurance
    • proof (by declaration) of financial resources

    If you are retired or simply not working in Cyprus, you must show that you have:

    • adequate income from legal sources such as pension, employment outside of Cyprus or another means to support themselves
    • proof of funds in a Cyprus or overseas bank
    • proof of comprehensive health insurance

  • Rights of Family Members

    Family members include a spouse, children aged under 21, other dependents and spouse's dependents, have the same rights as any other EU Citizen.

    Your family members can live with you in Cyprus. If they are EU Citizens, Part 1 of this leaflet will apply to them as well without any other restrictions or requirements.

    In order to apply for the Registration Certificate, along with all the relevant certifications, a fee for each family member is required. The Registration Certificate is issued when you submit the following:

    • A duly completed standard form (obtainable from Civil Registry & Migration Dept or from the local Immigration Branch of the Police).
    • Valid passport or identity card, and several copies.
    • Proof of the family relationship (certified copies of marriage certificate and children's birth certificates)
    • Family members that are not dependants must show proof of a serious medical condition which leaves them completely dependent.
    • If it has been issued, the Registration Certificate of the EU-citizen family member already residing in Cypru.
    • Two passport-sized photos for each member.
    • Fee of €8.54 for each family member.

    Non-EU family members can also live for more than three months in Cyprus.

    • The Residence Certificate (Pink Slip) is issued to the non-EU family members of EU citizens moving with them to Cyprus Application must be made within four months of the date of entry, otherwise a fine will be imposed.
    • Family members of EU citizens who are not EU citizens themselves should provide the following with a competed application form MEU2 (for non-EU family members of EU citizens):
      • Valid passport with visa if applicable (and copies).
      • A document stating the family relationship.
      • Proof of family relationship (marriage and children's birth certificates).
      • Proof of the family member's consistent relationship with the EU citizen.
      • Family members that are not dependants must show proof of a serious medical condition which leaves them completely dependent.
      • Two passport-sized photos.

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